Thursday, December 31, 2009

To Grammas house.

It's one hour till 2009 is over and Sophie has long ago been tucked into bed....


I just thought I would say this: There has been 365 days this year and Sophie has filled and brightened our lives with sunshine and happiness for all of them. She makes me want to pull my hair out most days as well, but I love her for it. Shes taught me patience and love in a way that I didn't think I was capable of.
I love you Sophie, have a happy 2010.... And please PLEASE don't repeat some of the new words you learned at your grammas tomorrow... she has tender ears. You catch on to stuff too easily.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

I stink

Sophie: My butt stinks cause of the bug in there.
Me: Bugs where?
Sophie: In my butt.

Friday, December 18, 2009

What are you thinking mama??

It's the weekend before x-mas and all through the house....

My mom and step-dad live on the other side of that state so we don't get to see them most holidays, but this year they decided to drive over and see us for a couple of days and have an early x-mas with us.
They are on their way now and it's a long drive, which will be even longer now due to snow on the pass, so I am sending good thoughts their way that they make it safe and sound.
Anyway Sophie and I are just being lazy this morning while we wait for them to show up and Sophie just looked at me and said
"Mama, are you thinking about gramma and papa, like I am?"
Shes so sweet... so wise for an almost 3 year old.. she blows my mind everyday.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Because I HAVE to move!

This evening my husband was trying to take some nice pictures of the kid in front of the Christmas tree and he told Sophie not to move, this is what happened....
Sophie: Daddy?
Sophie I don't want to stand still
Sophie because I have legs... and I have feet... and I like to move!
She then preceded to run about the room, displaying her skills of movement. It was a good time.

Monday, December 14, 2009

(Rare) sweetness

Sophie is funny and basically a good girl, but she has tendencies to also be quite sassy ( not sure who she gets that quality from). So earlier when she was watching a cartoon and I walked in front of the t.v. to pick up her brother Ben she said
"Mama, I can't see"
I said , "Oh ok, Sorry about that sweetie"
It's surprised me that she looked at me and said "Oh mama, you don't have to be sorry about that"

Sniff appears that all of the times I try to get good get good manners through her skull is finally starting to rub off on her.
She can drive me crazy a lot, but moments like that make my loss of sanity so worth it.


My daughter Sophie was born February of 20007 and ever since shes has been a source of daily laughter to my husband and I ( not to mention daily hair pulling)

This blog is here to keep some kind of record of her daily going ons and the great things that come out of her mouth.

Please enjoy.......